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Son Shine Ministries, Inc., founded by Ken and Cindy Lambert in 2005, is a multi-faceted 501(c)3 non-profit organization devoted to spreading the Word and love of Jesus. They know what it's like to be a slave to alcohol, drugs and bad relationships, and consider themselves prime examples of what God can do to free us, if only we let Him. Their passion is to bring an encouraging word to anyone who needs it, no matter where they may be in their lives. From disasters and addictions, to jails, prisons and lost souls of the world, Ken & Cindy hunger to share the love of Christ. Through music, counseling and God's word, their sole desire is to bring hope to the hopeless...

Ken Lambert

Cindy Lambert
The president of Son Shine Ministries, Ken Lambert, has been a singer-songwriter for the past 60 years, and now devotes all his talents and gifts to the Lord. He spent many years using his talent in honky-tonks and clubs, but now he is singing for God. He has written hundreds of songs, which now includes many gospel songs that he uses in his personal testimonies while speaking in churches, prisons and other events. He has recorded several CD's, "Revised", "Freedom" and "Choices", and "Growing Old Gratefully", which are available for sale on the Help Us Shine page to help support this ministry. He likes to travel to prisons and minister to the men that remind him of himself, the rebellious ones. He gets to tell them the good news of what is theirs if only they surrender their lives to Jesus. He travels often with evangelist Richard Coss, who himself is a member of the Board of Directors of Son Shine Ministries. Richard also has a powerful testimony of how he got saved in prison and has since devoted his life to spreading the good news of Jesus. Ken also has gone into city jails to minister and to lend support when they come out.
Cindy, Ken's wife, who is also the counselor for Son Shine Ministries, loves to speak an encouraging word to the hearts of those who need comfort and hope. She teaches community Bible studies and counsels women in need. She loves to talk about faith in Jesus, through the gospel message, because she believes that His Spirit is the only true power that transforms a life. She speaks in churches, jails and community events, and counsels in women's rehabilitation centers.
Cindy and Ken's hearts are particularly turned to those who have suffered with addictions, bad relationships and tragedies. Ken and Cindy have suffered their own losses due to tragic deaths and circumstances, an almost failed marriage, floods, hurricanes and addictions. Early in 2009 they lost their home, pets and belongings in a tragic fire. They yet again saw the faithfulness of their God and are more determined than ever to fulfill all that God has called them to do through this ministry; through God's grace, love, hope, and mercy they want to assure everyone of the absolute sovereignty of God. His Word and promises are where peace can be had. They know this first hand, because they have experienced it…